Lean Six Sigma Project Deployment
Lean Six Sigma approach is integrated approach where we use both Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Approach . Lean Six Sigma is a team- focused managerial approach that seeks to improve performance by eliminating waste and defects while boosting the standardization of work.
The core of Lean methodology involves the identification and elimination of waste. To help focus in this area, Lean practitioners developed a list of eight wastes which establish the most likely areas where waste will occur: defects, overproduction, transportation , non-value adding processing , motion, waiting , unused talent and inventory .
Six Sigma focus on reduction of variation in the process. It was introduced by American Engineer Bill Smith working at Motorola in 1986.
Lean Six Sigma Principal
- Specify value in the eyes of the customer
- Identify the value stream and eliminate waste/ variation
- Make value flow at the pull of the customer
- Involve ,align and empower employees
- Continuously improve knowledge in pursuit of perfection
The 8 Wastes of Lean
The eight waste of Lean apply to processes involved in creating products,developing specialized services or any process that occurs in the routine course of businesss . Eight waste called DOWNTIME.
- Defects
- Overproduction
- Waiting
- Non-Utilized Resources
- Transportation
- Inventory
- Motion
- Extra processing
Lean Six Sigma approach
The DMAIC method is used primarily for improving existing business processes. The letter stands for-
- Define the problem and the project goals
- Measure in detail the various aspect of the current process.
- Analyse data to to,among other things find the root defects in a process
- Improve the process
- Control how the process is done in the future
The DMADV method is typically used to create new processes and new products or services. The letter stand for :
- Define the project goals
- Measure critical component
- Analyse the data and develop various designs for the process,eventually picking the best one
- Design and test details of the process
- Verify the design by running simulations and a pilot program,and then handlingover the process to the client.
- Reduction in overhead/operating costs
- Productivity Increase(30-40%)
- Throughput Time Decrease(70%)
- Increase Profit (4-10%)
- Customer Lead Time Reductions(50%+)
- Work in Process Inventory Reductions(70%+)
- On Time Delivery to customer(95%+)
- Quality Performance Improvements
Lean Six Sigma Deployment
We are Deploying Lean Sigma project for organizations. Our team of expert consultants conducts a detailed gap assessment and interview with management to designs a Road Map for deploying Lean Six Sigma Project Initiative to achieve its vision and mission .
Road Map for Lean Six Sigma Project Deployment
- Form and develop a Implementation Committee – A balanced group of stakeholders who collectively understand all aspects of business are needed on a implementation committee. The committee will review the initial assessment and oversee training in Lean Six Sigma fundamentals, which includes team building and problem- solving skills.
- Establish a More Detailed “Current State” Picture- The committee looks at what the current state of operation are, using tools such as Value Stream Mapping to find out where there are issues in core processes.
- Establish Clearly Articulated Vision – To provide leadership, a clear vision of what the organization plans to accomplish with Lean Six Sigma needs to be communicated to everyone involved.
- Establish High-Level Objectives For Year 1- As with Hoshin Kanri Planning , long – range plans for Lean Six Sigma implementation should be broken into smaller phrase wise projects. Establish goals for the first year , with three to five key issues to track and improve in the first year.
- Identify Initial Projects – These can vary depending on the needs of the organization, but typically involves tools such as Kaizen Projects .White belt and green belt projects . All these projects should include Lean Six Sigma training for the workforce, the necessary resources to complete the project and realistic, measurable outcomes.
- Identify Risk to Success – In this step, brainstorming among stakeholders takes place to establish what the risks are that could prevent success, usually by looking at information from the detailed “current state” assessment.
- Establish a Risk- Management Countermeasure Plan- Establish a plan that includes countermeasure to minimize risks to success .
- Develop a Communication Plan – This covers a lot of ground , including what to communicate who to communicate to, how often to communicate and who will oversee communication . In some cases , a team may be formed to handle communication issues as part of the implementation strategy.
- Develop Deployment Plan – This covers the timeline foraction during the entire first year. The plan is, to a certain extent, fluid in thatit will change as new facts and challenges present themselves. Part of the plan should include resources needed for plan success, which may include a fully trained Lean Sensei.
- Commence Implementation-Start with a kick off meeting with the key stakeholders. Begin the training process and chartering of initial projects. Establish the measurement that will be used in all phrases of the project to determine success or failure.