


Jidoka: A Lean Method for Quality Assurance

Automation with a human face, or “autonomation,” Jidoka allows the control system to supervise manufacturing, stopping any process immediately once a problem or error is detected. Despite being one of the most important principles of Lean manufacturing, Jidoka is often underrated by practitioners of the Toyota Production System. Jidoka is all about quality at the …

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QbD (Quality by Design) & Pharmaceuticals

QbD (Quality by Design) is a concept that has revolutionized the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. It is an approach which considers all aspects of drug development and manufacturing in order to design a process that consistently produces safe and effective products. Through QbD, manufacturers are able to develop a robust process control strategy, create detailed quality …

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What is CSV & CSA (Computer System Validation Vs. Computer System Assurance)

What is CSV & CSA Currently, industry practice as part of the Computer System Validation (CSV) program is heavily focused on documentation, often at the expense of critical thinking and testing. CSV brings a paradigm shift to this approach by emphasizing critical thinking over documentation, allowing companies to execute more testing with less documentation based …

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ESG & ISO 14064 Standard

ISO 14064 is an internationally-recognized standard for quantifying and monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It provides guidance to organizations on how to plan, implement, verify and report emissions in a consistent fashion, as well as identify areas where improvements can be made. Carbon Footprint Verification (CFV) CFV is a crucial tool for organizations to accurately …

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Enterprise Management System

What is EMS Enterprise Management Systems (EMS), sometimes referred to as Enterprise Systems (ES), are comprehensive application software packages designed to meet the needs of large organizations, similar to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. These solutions enable IT teams to effectively manage and support complex, geographically dispersed IT infrastructures and applications. EMS solutions typically include …

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Manufacturing optimization by operational excellence tools

Manufacturing optimization by operational excellence tools is a multi-dimensional process that entails integrating and streamlining all operations within the manufacturing value chain. It involves the effective utilization of technology, processes, people, resources, systems and data to optimize production volume, minimize time taken from start to finish and reduce costs. Operational excellence tools also enable manufacturers …

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Optimization of Warehouse Management System through Automation

Technology in all sectors of the economy is advancing at an unprecedented rate, and warehouses must keep up with the pace of production, manufacture, and consumer demand. To do this, they must be equipped with the latest technologies to ensure improved productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. Smart warehouses are automated to give employees the flexibility and …

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SCORE model for Supply Chain Optimization

The SCORE Model is a comprehensive decision support system for businesses that allows users to assess the competitive environment and allocate resources efficiently. SCOR (supply chain operations reference) model helps businesses to make perfect supply chain management for reliability, consistency, and efficiency as concern. The model provides insight into how companies can gain competitive advantage, …

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GRI & ESG Reporting

Reporting standard for ESG disclosures Currently, there is no single, global reporting standard for ESG disclosures. The most widely adopted ESG frameworks in the world are the sustainability standards published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international non-governmental Organisation founded in 1997. Other widely adopted standards include those published by the Sustainability Accounting Standards …

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