

Carbon footprint & Decarbonisation

Carbon footprint & Decarbonisation

Decarbonisation, or reducing one’s carbon footprint, offers manufacturers the opportunity to not only improve their performance, but also to achieve CO2 neutrality. The goal is clear: contribute to company profits by saving energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels for the benefit of the economy and environment. To do this, an action plan must be developed to improve energy efficiency.

Decarbonisation is the term used to refer to all the measures and techniques put in place to limit the carbon footprint. Hydrogen is a key element in the decarbonisation of industry, as it allows for the replacement of hydrocarbons with clean energy sources that are not associated with greenhouse gas emissions. To reach the net zero emissions goal by 2050, a comprehensive set of actions beyond the already ambitious measures of the SDS scenario must be taken.

Hydrogen allows the decarbonisation of the Industry

Hydrogen has the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions from industry and allow for the decarbonisation of a number of industrial processes. Hydrogen can be used to replace natural gas and other fossil fuel sources, offering an alternative energy source that emits no carbon when combusted. Its ability to be stored, transported and used on demand makes it an attractive option for many industrial applications. Additionally, hydrogen can be combined with other clean energy solutions like wind and solar, allowing industries to shift away from using fossil fuels while still maintaining their production levels. Ultimately, hydrogen is a key component in reducing industry’s reliance on fossil fuels and helping supply more sustainable solutions that help facilitate global decarbonisation efforts.

How Decarbonated hydrogen produced by electrolysis will help to decarbonisation

Decarbonated hydrogen produced by electrolysis is an important technological advance in the drive to reduce global emissions. This technology offers a promising alternative to carbon-based fuels, allowing us to produce emissions-free energy through the separation of hydrogen and oxygen molecules utilizing only electricity and water. Though still in its early stages, this process holds promise for a cleaner and more efficient form of energy production than traditional methods, representing one of many innovations necessary for decarbonizing our economy and mitigating climate change.

What is CO2 capture, storage and use? How it is useful for decarbonisation

CO2 capture, storage and use is a process in which Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are captured from industrial operations and stored away or utilized to produce useful products. The carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and either injected underground into geological formations or put to use in energy generation systems such as enhanced oil recovery. Storing the CO2 adds a valuable component to the current strategy of reducing anthropogenic emissions that contribute adversely to global climate change. Additionally, repurposing the CO2 for practical applications contributes positively to renewable energy portfolios, since it can be employed for power production via advanced chemical processes or sequestered through mineralization reactions. Recent advancements in this field have increased efficiency by leveraging integrated solutions across multiple phases of the technology cycle, leading to more cost effective solutions with greater overall potential for institutions interested in reducing their carbon footprint.

What is CO2 valorisation? How it is useful

CO2 valorisation is the exploitation of carbon dioxide as a resource for commercial applications and products, enabling its conversion into useful materials. This process utilizes novel technological processes to turn waste CO2 from industrial sources into essential substances such as methanol, electricity, liquid fuels, polymers, gases and more. It utilises advanced needs related to electrochemistry, catalysis and biotechnology to enable this transformation. Through this technique, CO2 becomes a key element for sustainable industrial production and decarbonisation efforts. Carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) technology are also deployed in order to capture CO2 from the atmosphere or extract it from industrial processes before it can be converted into usable products by these valorisation processes.

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